Photoshop allowed me to manipulate my image for the music magazine e.g colour enhancements. I was able to edit the title by using the magic wand to crop the masthead which made the general appearence neater. I also used the red-eye corrector on one memeber of the band.
Which tools did you use to match your fonts to act as part of the MODE OF ADRESS?

I used Da Font to try and find a font that would represent and appeal to my target audience of 16-25 year olds. I wanted the font to be fairly simplistic to match my theme. It also has to be easy to read from a distance, making it easily recognisable. Not only did i look at Da Font but i also looked at exsisting magazines such as 'DAZED and confused' and use their style of font for the masthead.
How did you use photoshop to aid your HOUSE STYLE?
My music magazine had a unique house style with the creation of the square boxes that backed the text. This style was inspired by music magazines i had previously looked at. Although i did change the convention slightly and made the text boxes bigger to highlight each number and what was inside the magazine.I also had a continuing theme of rectangles which can also been seen in the background of the contents page. The colour scheme of pastel, green pink and black also continue throughout the magazine. Giving it a running theme.
How did you manipulate photographs?
i manipulated photographs using photoshop. There wasn't a lot of manipulation required as i wanted to photo's to look real and not over edited. The only editing tools i used were, brightness, contrast, and a fade tool to reduce the really bright colours.
Explain how using layers helped to organise your work and construct your front cover?
Layers helped organise my work and keep things neat when constructing the double page spread, cover and contents page on photoshop. I was able to duplicate layers so when it came to sizing all the text boxes, i was able to do this quickly and they were all the same size. Layers also helped with the placement of images and getting them perfectly in-line.
Desktop publishing.
DPS - The creation of my DPS involved, placing the article into text collums that matched fairly standard conventions. I also placed the Title and subtitle in at the top of the page where the reader would most notice it and be incised into reading. I also added green text boxes to the header. i used the convention of anchorage, and made the text collums slightly transparent so the image could be seen underneath. I only used one large image of the band that covered the entire A3 page, therefore the texts had to be placed equally on each side of A4 for it to look professional and authentic.
Print Convention + juxtaposing of Elements
I stuck to only two fonts in my magazine which made it look more proffessional and didn't distract the reader from one font to another. It is evident that i juxtaposed some element of the magazine, such as putting a black and white photo inbetween two coloured images. I also used jutaposing fonts (pink and blue) on the cover of the magazine. This was a conscious decision that i made and thought it would help the magazine appeal to both sexes.
Interactive web technology
Blogger is a very interactive way of working and enables me to share my ideas and gain feedback on my work from a range of people at any given time. This software means 'two way communication' and collaborative working. When it came to 'planning materials' i used prezi, scribd, animoto and flikr as well as blogger.
What cameras did you use to complete your preliminary task?
I used a sony HD digital camera to take photo's for my preliminary task. I then uploaded the images onto a mac using a USB cable. After that i could start editing. During editing i learn't composition and framing skills that helped me to create a professional looking music magazine.
Software and Hardware - A2
When editing our music video we used final cut pro (software). This technology was good quality and mean't we had to create the video on a timeline. This was easier as we could just drop in the clips where we wanted them. However the timing was sometimes hard to match with the audio.
Due to the dance genre of the music, we decided to do a lot of fast cuts/ jumpcuts to match the nature of the music. We also repeated some shots, fast forward/ rewound them which gave the video a quirky edge, which is what we wanted. This also tested our creativity on the software and we learn't some important continuity skills such as the girl had her hair up in one shot but down in the other.
Skills in using digital technology
During the A2 coursework the extent of how much we had to blog became apparent. In result of constantly blogging and sharing ideas my skills have become a lot more advanced and quicker.
Technologies used in my AS year:
Technologies during my A2 coursework have become advance. I used sodtware that was completely new to me such as, iMovie and final cut pro for the music video. I learn't a lot of skills using the software and hardware during AS and with the knowledge i already had from preliminart tasks and previous coursework i was able to advance myself and challenge myself on new softwares.
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