All representations have certain ideologies encoded behind them in order to give a Prefered representation (Levis Strauss 1958)
Richard Dyer comments on represntations (1983)
what sense of the world is it making?
what doe sit imply?
who is it speaking to?
how do we respond to it?
Laura Mulvey (The male gaze 1975)
Comments that the female body is displayed to men in order to gain erotic pleasure from a media product. Women are objectified by the camera and the audience learn to accept the male's point of view.
John Berger 'woman are aware of being seen by a male spectator'
Baudrillard - Suggests the idea of hyppereality. We live in a place where things are constructed from no original place.
Stereotyping - A means by which support is provided by one group's differential against another.
Tessa Perkins - stereotyping is not a simple process. Some of the many ways that stereotypes are assumed to opperate is not true. (e.g a niche audience might not want to be considered or grouped in that way)
Mark Barker - stereotypes are missrepresenting the 'real world'. Comments that in order for stereotypes to work they must seek audience recognistion.
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